Who we are

- Our Story -


Since this idea of Ballistic Potatoes was birthed in 2023, it didn’t take long for the vision to really grow into something of reality instead of talk.

We have always tried to find something as a family that we could do, that fit us. That would give us the freedom of doing our own things while also doing what we love and having time to be with our families.

We wanted something that doesn’t consume our time taking us away from precious moments and instead being able to share that with our children and future generations.

Hi everyone, this is Thomas Pearson son of John Pearson my father, and this is who we are.


My father John Pearson a veteran of the us navy, has always been into guns, he has a long history of working with and around firearms, even after his service he has remained a firearm enthusiast and avid hunter. 
It has been a pipedream of his to own and operate a business that dealt in firearms and shooting said firearms.

Our family has a long history of service, including my dad, granddad, and great grandad have all served in the US in different capacities.

So when it was my turn my father asked me not to join, not because he didn’t want us supporting our country but because we have supported our country.
I have always had the entrepreneurial mindset, and have always been looking for what can we do, this while we worked the business that my father started. Pearson’s Gutter Cutters inc.

That business started back in the early 2000s and has continued to today.


The idea for Ballistic Potatoes started out with me trying yet another business idea, I had been looking for something that I could do as a personal business for a long time, trying different avenues as well as educating myself on different topics. My last attempt was in the financial world and insurance, after obtaining my life/health insurance license I setout to get my investing licenses, however I was never able to get that business off the ground because of the nature of the business in the timing of the economy. Right after the whole corona crap.

Knowing that my father has years of experience in the field of guns and his desire to do something with guns I pitched him the idea of selling reloaded ammunition. After he got done explaining to me that you don’t want to sell reloads but work up loads as he has done for his guns. The idea started.

Lets make a company where we work up loads for people, and we had fun figuring out what name we should call ourselves etc. But as the idea grew it became something of reality, it’s the perfect business for us, in probable the most perfect state, dealing with one of those items that is both loved and hated, that was there at the founding of our nation and remains the best tool for self defense by far.

This idea has grown into a full blown brand idea for our own ammunition, firearms, components, parts etc. We want to have manufacturing capabilities in the future, warehouse, and storefront, as well as a key component being our media presence, we want a full YouTube channel where we can showoff guns, shoot things and explain the science and sophisticated statistic comparison of different rounds and calibers. We will test different firearms and rounds in a professional, thorough way, and make the most of our testing by creating videos that share our process, and give information on guns, ammunition, and more. Many people are misinformed about guns, and it is our hope that in sharing what we do, we can spread the correct information in a fun and practical way. We will also showcase safe environments and the proper ways to use guns. 


The plan started with just start working to get our FFL, however that turned into a really long process and we didn’t want to have to do that again to do a small step growth.
So we decided to break it down from the largest end goal idea, into smaller plan advancements to get there.

With that we decided custom loads, custom ammunition, custom gun builds is a good start.
Working into Educational video’s on proper gun use, firearm safety, hazards to watch out for and most importantly, the importance of Gun  education. This is to introduce us into the Youtube and social media.

From there after we get our feet off the ground we can then work on each step as financing permits. From growing our brand and video’s to setting up a storefront and manufacturing our very own brand of components for bullets is our end goal for this business.

It’s also just fun to wield pointy things, in any direction we like, whether that’s up, down, or straight. But wielding our pointy things up is the most fun.


We are just a small family business located in the great state of Idaho. We reside in a little town called Kimberly. God(YHVY) fearing American’s
We are simple folk with big plans to take over the world. 😛

We are based and built in the USA

- Our Team -

Currently our team is pretty small, and as of now it is just family owned and operated. Father and Son business.
As time goes on our company will grow, and with it our team, we want this to be our final business that we create or work on.

- our vision -

The vision for Ballistic potatoes is to become one of the highest quality ammunition manufacturing company in America starting with out great home state of Idaho. Our goal will be to that end, we want to work custom loads, build guns, design guns, setup ammunition manufacturing here in southern Idaho and open a local store where we can grow from there. But it doesn’t stop there because we want to have a processing plant where we can supply ammunition for our fellow Americans.

- Monologue -

Our vision for Ballistic Potatoes started small with just doing Load development and some YouTube video’s and now its a full service Gun Hub Dream.

My Father the one with most of the experience and knowledge has always wanted to do something with guns and I his son decided it’s time to shoot for the moon, I mean you only live once right?

With an idea of hey, what about starting a business selling ammo? which didn’t even take a week before we had a name chosen and ideas starting to flood in. This is Idaho right? what better state to start a gun wielding, redneck acting, veteran supporting, all American crazy business as Ballistic Potatoes? There is no other state I would rather be in.

It’s hard to see very far into the future… world looks pretty crazy but hey at least we have guns!

if you like what you see HERE, reach out to us.

The vision for Ballistic potatoes is to become one of the highest quality ammunition manufacturing company in America starting with out great home state of Idaho. Our goal will be to that end, we want to work custom loads, build guns, design guns, setup ammunition manufacturing here in southern Idaho and open a local store where we can grow from there. We want to create video content online and show off guns and the statistics behind the science of the rounds and firearms.

We want to help our veterans, support our country and defend our families.